Saturday, March 22, 2014

My Childhood Web

This week's blog is my Personal Childhood Web. I don't really have five people that made much of an impact in my childhood. I have a few that have inspired me as an adult. In my childhood I moved a few times around the Hammond and Gary area. Until we moved back to Hammond where I graduated high school. My mother had to move a few times because she was a single mom she did not have any financial help while raising me so she had to move where she could afford to take care of me. 
Well the first person I would like to tell you about has cared and nurtured me from day one. My mother Karen was a young mother but she raised a strong woman despite what we went through. We have a close relationship she is my mother and my best friend. We can talk about anything especially now that I am an adult our relationship has gotten stronger. As a child and as an adult my mother has been by my side through it all. Never passing judgment on my decisions that I have made but being there to make sure I think them through. My mother has been the main person in my life to show me love and affection it has only been us. I am her only child. My mother showed me how to be strong and go for my goals. With her support I finished high school as a teen mom and even though I was a teen mom and disappointed my mother I still did not give up. I have now completed two degrees and now working on my Masters my mother is very proud of me now and then. She told me not to long ago that through out my struggles in life she is very proud of the woman I have become. And I thank her for that.  All my memories as a child were great but the most memorable was when my mom surprised me with a trip to Disney World. She had packed our bags and would not tell me where we were going I was so lost trying to figure out where could we be going I did not get it until we entered the Florida turnpike.

Another person in my life and childhood is my grandmother Dora Jean. We were close I was the only grandchild she had. So I guess you can say my granny spoiled me. We would have shopping outings, we would have sleepovers where she would buy ice cream and watch movies. All the old movies I would see with my grandmother. My grandmother use to sew and I can remember sitting and watching her put a pattern together with the her pins and sew on her machine. She was starting to teach me how to sew on her machine and how to stitch buttons on doing the basics. Before she passed away she would make my Easter dresses every year and she had started a scarf business . She was selling scarfs she had created on the train on her way to work.  Spending the time with my grandmother was enough to show me she cared about me as her grandchild and I was thankful for the time I was able to spend with her. I pray everyday that I am making her proud of me as my mother her daughter is proud of me and the woman and mother I have become. A memory that I have of my grandmother is when she was teaching me how to put a button on with needle and thread. We laughed and talked about how school was going.

I have another person that was an impact in my life. She was my high school math teacher. Her name was Mrs. Debok she was such an awesome teacher. She was there for me when I needed the most help. I have always struggled with Math. So to help me with my grade and I STEP she was tutoring me one on one in the morning before school. She had told me that she can see so much potential in me and that if I am willing to do the work she is willing to help me. She was my favorite teacher. Because she was willing to help me get to where I needed to be and not just barely let me pass along. All through high school when I had Math,  Algebra and Geometry she was my teacher so she knew me well enough and would tell my mom on me only because she knew I could do better. I sometimes wonder if she is still at the school teaching. When she told me those words about my self it felt great and I managed to pull B's out of math. She had an impact on me wanting to teach.

I have always been the type that loves children. I was the babysitter in the family. When I was growing up my cousins and I would play school all the time. I was the teacher and we would have books ready to read because their mom was a teacher and she would bring home old books and desk for us to play with. I always wanted a husband and big family. I think that was from me being the only child. I loved children when I would go around my family I would go play with the little ones the whole time I was there. It has been a part of me for so long I cant really say when I first knew I wanted to work with children. I knew my heart and mind was into when I first began my journey in school to get my CDA diploma. I have always been told that I have such a loving and caring personality.

Today my impacts and inspirations are my children. My marriage did not last but I have three healthy loving children that inspire me to continue to go for my goals. And I have my mother, my family members and my best friend that has become my man in my life that also inspires me to shoot for my goals to never give up. That I am able to do what I put my mind to. They all let me know that they are proud of me . Like I said through out my struggles I have managed to finish two degrees, be a niece, mother, a daughter, sister(my fathers daughter), big cousin, and a partner to my love.


  1. You mentioned that you didn't have five people who influenced your childhood, however it sounds like those who were there more than made up for it. Your mother an grandmother modeled for you the importance of hard work and what you do for those you love. I am happy to hear that your mother has openly shared with you her pride in your accomplishments not everyone gets to hear that from a parent. Congratulations on all of your accomplishments!

  2. I understand the struggles of being a teen mom. I became pregnant with my son at 19, while I was away at school. My mother had high hopes for me and I know that I disappointed her. Although I had a bump in the road, I never stopped pursuing my goal. I completed my bachelors degree and am currently doing everything that I planned to do. I know how hard it is to be a single mother because I am one, but my mother and father have stepped up and played a tremendous role in my son's life.
    I whole heartedly believe that it is not the quantity of people that love and nurture you, but the quality of the people that matters the most. It sounds like you had high quality people who were involved in making you the person you are today.

  3. I love the pictures! You are so lucky to have a caring mother and grandmother. I too didn't have that many caring people. I think just having someone in your life is very important. It would be nice for everyone to have more than 5 people in their life, but what is most important is having that one person who cares deeply for you. I think that counts more than anything. You are doing a great job with you family and career!
