Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Ideals from NAEYC and DEC code of ethics

One of the first Ideals that are meaningful to me is under NAEYC's  Section I Ethical Responsibilities to Children I-1.3 To recognize and respect the unique qualities, abilities, and potential of each child.  Every child is different and develops differently and as educators we have to keep that in mind.
 I-2.2 To develop relationships of mutual trust and create partnerships with the families we serve. This is very important in order to have a relationship with the families. When there is a relationship present with the families it makes it easier to teach their child. Having a relationship is to help with the child's development. I work to build a relationship with my parents so that we can work together to improve on the child's development.
 In the DEC code of ethics under I. Professional Practice Professional and Interpersonal Behavior 3. We shall strive for the highest level of personal and professional competence by seeking and using new evidence based information to improve our practices while also responding openly to the suggestions of others. A educator that is willing to receive feedback and work on improvements in my opinion is a good educator. Reading the code of ethics has broaden my expectations as a educator in what we are suppose to go by.

NAEYC (2005, April) Code of Ethical Conduct and Statement of Commitment, National Association for the Education of Young Children

Code of Ethics Division for Early Childhood (2000, August) 


  1. The ethics you picked I feel all tie in together. As a professional we do need to understand that children all develop at different time and we need to be respectful of their abilities. And also having that relationship with the family helps us be respectful of the child. Having a relationship and knowing what is going on with that child is very helpful, as a professional you are able to help the child grow and develop when you are with them.

  2. I agree with the ethics that you chose. Children are different and have different learning styles. We must establish each one's quality and ability in order to find a teaching style they can learn from. A working partnership seems to have a higher success rates with the developing child because the family and the provider are able to interact and find out what works best for the child.
