Saturday, April 26, 2014

Colleague Posts

I have started a new journey in life by pursuing my Master’s degree in ECE. I am so excited and I hope that the connection that I have with my fellow colleagues will continue. I have met some very interesting people that are full of spirit, nice, positive people. I would like to thank two of my colleagues for some of their positive feedbacks and professionalism.

Amanda Davis

She provided positive feedback. She shared her childhood of being fortunate to have her grandmother to care for her as a young child. She also shared the importance of play for children. I also share the same view of children learning more through play. Her blogs provided information about her and I learned a few things from what she shared. She displayed her passion for teaching and I thank her for that.

My other colleague that I would like to thank for her professionalism and positive feedback is Brianna Cooper 

Brianna and I shared some similarities we are both in the same area of Chicago. We are working in areas that have children that are in underserved neighborhoods.

 She has showed professionalism, her passion, and advocacy for early childhood. When she is writing I feel like I know her already. When she shared blogs I learned about some of her past that we have in common. The both of us being teen moms and we are still continuing our education. Being a teen parent does not stop a person from becoming successful.  She has strength and determination and I wish her the best in her success.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your kind words. It is not easy working with babies who see too much in our violence stricken city. It is frustrating when they are not given the resources to cope. I think you are doing a wonderful job and it was a pleasure learning from you.
