Sunday, September 7, 2014

Child birth personal experience

This week’s blog includes personal experience with childbirth and childbirth in another country. My personal experience I have given birth five times to my children I only have three living. All of my children I have given birth to be all natural births no epidural only IV drugs that did not help at all. I have scoliosis and the risk of something happening during the procedure of an epidural was high I opted not to use that method. The pain was horrendous but after it was over the joy of holding my child and hearing my child cry was the most amazing experience. My child has life and I helped with that. My four oldest children were born premature with two of them passing away shortly after delivery my youngest my daughter is a blessing. She was full term because of my doctors hard work I developed hypertension in the last month but she is healthy and she is now 18mths old. My daughter is incredible she talks very well to be 18 months, she is like a tape recorder repeating everything that she hears. All of her development milestones are on point. I notice that I pay attention to this because I work with children so with my children I look for proper milestones.

The other country I looked up was child birth in France if you are pregnant you have to go fill out a declaration de grossesse this process is done towards the end of the third month this is a registration process. The women give birth in a clinic and the patients are liable for extras like TV and phone the average stay after birth is five days and 10 days after a caesarian section. Here in the United States the average stay after vaginal delivery is 48 hours and a caesarian section is 3-4 days. The women are allowed 16 weeks maternity leave and if you have multiple children they are allowed 26 weeks off. The husband is allowed 11 consecutive days off. The child takes on the mother surname if that is the name she is going by. Nationality of a child is determined by if the parents are foreigners the child has to be the same nationality of the parents and when the child becomes 13 and has lived in the country for five years the child’s parents can ask for the child to become a French nationality.



Frith- Powell, H., (2007). Having a baby in France. The Dordogne Info.

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