Saturday, September 13, 2014

SIDS and the research

This week I will discuss SIDS also known as Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Berger text defined SIDS as a situation where a healthy infant usually between the ages of 2 to 6 months old stops breathing and dies unexpectedly while asleep (Berger 2014).  It was researched the tens of thousands of infants were dying from SIDS. Here in North America it is referred to as crib death and in England it is referred to as cot death. I researched a few articles and found that more infants were dying from the parents being uneducated about SIDS.

 Berger had a scientist Susan Beal who conducted research in South Australia in her research she found that most infants that were from a Australian  Asian ethnic decent had less deaths then Australians that were from a European decent because their babies were being put to sleep on their backs rather than their stomachs. She tested her hypothesis with parents that were not from a Asian background to put their children to bed on their backs and several years of research she found that back sleeping lessened the cause of SIDS. The research caught the attention of doctors in Netherlands where the parents were putting the babies to sleep on their stomachs advised by the doctors. Many other doctors across the nation and nation to nation had started advising parents about putting babies to sleep on their backs oppose to their stomachs. The numbers of infants deaths had decreased most children that would die as infants were from all different life styles but mainly infants from under privileged communities died. Parents of infants that died were either drug users, smokers, and bed sharing. I found some helpful tips from website that can help reduce the risk.

The subject of SIDS is important to me because of a family member that lost his daughter from SIDS. She was only 5 months old. Her parents were young 22 and 23 years old. Her parents were smokers and they would bed share with her. The night she died she was in the bed with her parents when they woke up the baby was blue and cold. Very tragic for our family there were 4 births for our family but one child is gone she would have been 2 years old November 11. I had just had my daughter before her death and after this happened I would make sure my daughter was in safe sleep position. I have been educated on safe sleep from working in child care for so many years and then it hit home for me. They are expecting another child and I hope that they are educated and will be more careful with how their infant sleeps. Most people do not realize that even though they smoke outside that they should wash their hands after smoking.



Berger, K. (2012). Understanding How or Why. The Developing Person Through Childhood (ed., ). New York: Worth Publishers.


Sunday, September 7, 2014

Child birth personal experience

This week’s blog includes personal experience with childbirth and childbirth in another country. My personal experience I have given birth five times to my children I only have three living. All of my children I have given birth to be all natural births no epidural only IV drugs that did not help at all. I have scoliosis and the risk of something happening during the procedure of an epidural was high I opted not to use that method. The pain was horrendous but after it was over the joy of holding my child and hearing my child cry was the most amazing experience. My child has life and I helped with that. My four oldest children were born premature with two of them passing away shortly after delivery my youngest my daughter is a blessing. She was full term because of my doctors hard work I developed hypertension in the last month but she is healthy and she is now 18mths old. My daughter is incredible she talks very well to be 18 months, she is like a tape recorder repeating everything that she hears. All of her development milestones are on point. I notice that I pay attention to this because I work with children so with my children I look for proper milestones.

The other country I looked up was child birth in France if you are pregnant you have to go fill out a declaration de grossesse this process is done towards the end of the third month this is a registration process. The women give birth in a clinic and the patients are liable for extras like TV and phone the average stay after birth is five days and 10 days after a caesarian section. Here in the United States the average stay after vaginal delivery is 48 hours and a caesarian section is 3-4 days. The women are allowed 16 weeks maternity leave and if you have multiple children they are allowed 26 weeks off. The husband is allowed 11 consecutive days off. The child takes on the mother surname if that is the name she is going by. Nationality of a child is determined by if the parents are foreigners the child has to be the same nationality of the parents and when the child becomes 13 and has lived in the country for five years the child’s parents can ask for the child to become a French nationality.



Frith- Powell, H., (2007). Having a baby in France. The Dordogne Info.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Colleague Posts

I have started a new journey in life by pursuing my Master’s degree in ECE. I am so excited and I hope that the connection that I have with my fellow colleagues will continue. I have met some very interesting people that are full of spirit, nice, positive people. I would like to thank two of my colleagues for some of their positive feedbacks and professionalism.

Amanda Davis

She provided positive feedback. She shared her childhood of being fortunate to have her grandmother to care for her as a young child. She also shared the importance of play for children. I also share the same view of children learning more through play. Her blogs provided information about her and I learned a few things from what she shared. She displayed her passion for teaching and I thank her for that.

My other colleague that I would like to thank for her professionalism and positive feedback is Brianna Cooper 

Brianna and I shared some similarities we are both in the same area of Chicago. We are working in areas that have children that are in underserved neighborhoods.

 She has showed professionalism, her passion, and advocacy for early childhood. When she is writing I feel like I know her already. When she shared blogs I learned about some of her past that we have in common. The both of us being teen moms and we are still continuing our education. Being a teen parent does not stop a person from becoming successful.  She has strength and determination and I wish her the best in her success.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Ideals from NAEYC and DEC code of ethics

One of the first Ideals that are meaningful to me is under NAEYC's  Section I Ethical Responsibilities to Children I-1.3 To recognize and respect the unique qualities, abilities, and potential of each child.  Every child is different and develops differently and as educators we have to keep that in mind.
 I-2.2 To develop relationships of mutual trust and create partnerships with the families we serve. This is very important in order to have a relationship with the families. When there is a relationship present with the families it makes it easier to teach their child. Having a relationship is to help with the child's development. I work to build a relationship with my parents so that we can work together to improve on the child's development.
 In the DEC code of ethics under I. Professional Practice Professional and Interpersonal Behavior 3. We shall strive for the highest level of personal and professional competence by seeking and using new evidence based information to improve our practices while also responding openly to the suggestions of others. A educator that is willing to receive feedback and work on improvements in my opinion is a good educator. Reading the code of ethics has broaden my expectations as a educator in what we are suppose to go by.

NAEYC (2005, April) Code of Ethical Conduct and Statement of Commitment, National Association for the Education of Young Children

Code of Ethics Division for Early Childhood (2000, August) 

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Resource Lists

Resources from this weeks classes given by Dr. Dartt from Walden University

1.NAEYC. (2009). Where we stand on child abuse prevention. Retrieved May 26, 2010, from
2.NAEYC. (2009). Where we stand on responding to linguistic and cultural diversity. Retrieved May 26, 2010, From
 3..NAEYC. (2009). Where we stand on school readiness. Retrieved May 26, 2010, from
4. Zero to Three: National Center for Infants, Toddlers, and Families. (2010). Infant-toddler policy agenda. Retrieved May 26, 2010, from NAEYC. (2009). Developmentally appropriate practice in early childhood programs serving children from birth through age 8. Retrieved May 26, 2010, from FPG Child Development Institute. (2006, September). Evidence-based practice empowers early childhood professionals and families. (FPG Snapshot, No. 33). Retrieved May 26, 2010, from
7. NAEYC. (2009, April). Early childhood inclusion: A summary. Retrieved May 26, 2010, from
NAEYC. (2003). Early childhood curriculum, assessment, and program evaluation: Building an effective, accountable system in programs for children birth through age 8. Retrieved May 26, 2010, from

Selected Early Childhood Organizations

National Association for the Education of Young Children

  • The Division for Early Childhood

  • Zero to Three: National Center for Infants, Toddlers, and Families


  • Harvard Education Letter

  • FPG Child Development Institute

  • Administration for Children and Families Headstart's National Research Conference

  • HighScope

  • Children's Defense Fund

  • Center for Child Care Workforce

  • Council for Exceptional Children

  • Institute for Women's Policy Research

  • National Center for Research on Early Childhood Education

  • National Child Care Association

  • National Institute for Early Education Research

  • Pre[K]Now

  • Voices for America's Children

  • The Erikson Institute

  • Journals from this weeks resource lists

    YC Young Children
  • Childhood

  • Journal of Child & Family Studies

  • Child Study Journal

  • Multicultural Education

  • Early Childhood Education Journal

  • Journal of Early Childhood Research

  • International Journal of Early Childhood

  • Early Childhood Research Quarterly

  • Developmental Psychology

  • Social Studies

  • Maternal & Child Health Journal

  • International Journal of Early Years Education

  • Global Support for Children's Rights and Well-Being

    • World Forum Foundation
      This link connects you to the mission statement of this organization. Make sure to watch the media segment on this webpage
    • World Organization for Early Childhood Education
      Read about OMEP's mission.
    • Association for Childhood Education International
      Click on "Mission/Vision" and "Guiding Principles and Beliefs" and read these statements
  •  UNICEF (n.d.). Fact sheet: A summary of the rights under the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Retrieved May 26, 2010, from

    Additional resources to visit

    Choosy Kids

    Starfall's Learn to Read with Phonics

    Derman-Sparks,L., ABC Tasks Force. (1992). Anti-Bias Curriculum: Tools for Empowering Young Children. Washington: NAEYC,No 242,

    Saturday, March 29, 2014

    This week's blog is a quote from one of the Early Childhood people I chose to write about in the discussion. I had chose the two people because they were here in Chicago. Samuel Meisels has worked on assessing children one of his methods is what we use in the head start program I currently work in the ESI which is the Early Screening Inventory to assess the children's development. Well I found a quote from one of his presentations that says "The best way to improve a child's performance is to teach the child, not test the child".( Meisels 2008)  I agree schools systems want to test the children there needs to be just as much focus on working with the children teaching them and trying to improve in the areas where it is needed. Sometimes it is good to test the children to find out where they are developmentally and that way the teachers can develop a plan to help the developing child.
    Meisels, S. J.,( 2008) Empirical Studies of the Ounce and Work Sampling in Infancy and Early Childhood[PowerPoint]. Retrieved from

    Aisha Ray is my second choice she is also from the Erikson Institute she has worked on many projects one that I was able to access was about how to prepare teachers to successfully educate all children there is an excerpt from the writing that says " A growing consensus acknowledges that early childhood teacher preparation and professional development must help all teachers gain knowledge and practice skills that contribute to the educational achievement of all children ( Ladson- Billings, 1999;NAEYC,2002;Ray,2000).  When teachers are failed of these skills they are not able teach and problems can arise. They should be prepared to teach children from all backgrounds of culture, low-income, special needs, second languages. Schools offer us classes that will contribute to our trainings to better prepare us for the adventures of teaching it is also up to us to take what we learn and use it appropriately in the classroom.
     A professional from the video segment is Louise Derman- Sparks Professor Emeritus at Pacific Oak College, Ca she was one of the first professionals that was on the video. She said one of her passions was that she always wanted to be a teacher. She felt that she could fix all injustices in the world through teaching. Her motivation to continue to work in the early childhood field is the joy that she had felt when she first began in the field. She said that it was the most joyful experience and everything had become whole. She strongly believes that the preschool years are the most fundamental because this is when the children are learning noticing their skin color, ethnic identity, the stereotypes of who they are. The providers are able to have an Anti bias approach in the classroom. She had stated that she thinks that the adults may then find a voice while teaching that they may not have had for the children.
    Another professional in the video is Laticia Lara LCSW  Regional Manager Outreach and Professional Development Zero to Three She finds that passion begins with a individuals values, beliefs, ideas that lead to what is in their heart. Her personal and professional passion comes from her own background she mentioned being a woman, Latina leader, and experiences have a contribution to where she is in her professional career. Being from a Latino heritage she says that families need support. Her own family when they immigrated here her mother struggled because she needed bilingual support. She had to help her mother with going to the market because of the language barriers. She loves being able to help the families give the parents the resources they may need to thrive in their community.

    Ray, A.,Bowman, B. & Robbins,J. (2006). Preparing Early Childhood Teachers to Successfully Educate All Children: The Contribution of State Boards of Higher Education and National Professional Accreditation Organizations, A Project of the Initiative on Race, Class and Culture in Early Childhood, Final Report to the Foundation for Child Development, New York,New York.

    "The Passion for Early Childhood"[ Course Media]

    Saturday, March 22, 2014

    My Childhood Web

    This week's blog is my Personal Childhood Web. I don't really have five people that made much of an impact in my childhood. I have a few that have inspired me as an adult. In my childhood I moved a few times around the Hammond and Gary area. Until we moved back to Hammond where I graduated high school. My mother had to move a few times because she was a single mom she did not have any financial help while raising me so she had to move where she could afford to take care of me. 
    Well the first person I would like to tell you about has cared and nurtured me from day one. My mother Karen was a young mother but she raised a strong woman despite what we went through. We have a close relationship she is my mother and my best friend. We can talk about anything especially now that I am an adult our relationship has gotten stronger. As a child and as an adult my mother has been by my side through it all. Never passing judgment on my decisions that I have made but being there to make sure I think them through. My mother has been the main person in my life to show me love and affection it has only been us. I am her only child. My mother showed me how to be strong and go for my goals. With her support I finished high school as a teen mom and even though I was a teen mom and disappointed my mother I still did not give up. I have now completed two degrees and now working on my Masters my mother is very proud of me now and then. She told me not to long ago that through out my struggles in life she is very proud of the woman I have become. And I thank her for that.  All my memories as a child were great but the most memorable was when my mom surprised me with a trip to Disney World. She had packed our bags and would not tell me where we were going I was so lost trying to figure out where could we be going I did not get it until we entered the Florida turnpike.

    Another person in my life and childhood is my grandmother Dora Jean. We were close I was the only grandchild she had. So I guess you can say my granny spoiled me. We would have shopping outings, we would have sleepovers where she would buy ice cream and watch movies. All the old movies I would see with my grandmother. My grandmother use to sew and I can remember sitting and watching her put a pattern together with the her pins and sew on her machine. She was starting to teach me how to sew on her machine and how to stitch buttons on doing the basics. Before she passed away she would make my Easter dresses every year and she had started a scarf business . She was selling scarfs she had created on the train on her way to work.  Spending the time with my grandmother was enough to show me she cared about me as her grandchild and I was thankful for the time I was able to spend with her. I pray everyday that I am making her proud of me as my mother her daughter is proud of me and the woman and mother I have become. A memory that I have of my grandmother is when she was teaching me how to put a button on with needle and thread. We laughed and talked about how school was going.

    I have another person that was an impact in my life. She was my high school math teacher. Her name was Mrs. Debok she was such an awesome teacher. She was there for me when I needed the most help. I have always struggled with Math. So to help me with my grade and I STEP she was tutoring me one on one in the morning before school. She had told me that she can see so much potential in me and that if I am willing to do the work she is willing to help me. She was my favorite teacher. Because she was willing to help me get to where I needed to be and not just barely let me pass along. All through high school when I had Math,  Algebra and Geometry she was my teacher so she knew me well enough and would tell my mom on me only because she knew I could do better. I sometimes wonder if she is still at the school teaching. When she told me those words about my self it felt great and I managed to pull B's out of math. She had an impact on me wanting to teach.

    I have always been the type that loves children. I was the babysitter in the family. When I was growing up my cousins and I would play school all the time. I was the teacher and we would have books ready to read because their mom was a teacher and she would bring home old books and desk for us to play with. I always wanted a husband and big family. I think that was from me being the only child. I loved children when I would go around my family I would go play with the little ones the whole time I was there. It has been a part of me for so long I cant really say when I first knew I wanted to work with children. I knew my heart and mind was into when I first began my journey in school to get my CDA diploma. I have always been told that I have such a loving and caring personality.

    Today my impacts and inspirations are my children. My marriage did not last but I have three healthy loving children that inspire me to continue to go for my goals. And I have my mother, my family members and my best friend that has become my man in my life that also inspires me to shoot for my goals to never give up. That I am able to do what I put my mind to. They all let me know that they are proud of me . Like I said through out my struggles I have managed to finish two degrees, be a niece, mother, a daughter, sister(my fathers daughter), big cousin, and a partner to my love.